Karlie Alinta Noon

There is so much practical information hidden in the sky


Karlie Alinta Noon is a distinguished scholar from the Kamilaroi Nation in east Australia and was the first Indigenous woman to graduate with a combined bachelors in mathematics and science. Karlie has since completed an advanced masters of astronomy and is undertaking a Ph.D in astronomy at the Australian National University. Karlie’s research utilises multi-wavelength observations and computer simulations to explore the chemical evolution of gas clouds entrained within the Milky Way’s nuclear wind.

Karlie uses her experience in science communication, Indigenous heritage and STEM education to promote the inclusion of Indigenous peoples, knowledges and values within space and astronomy practices. Karlie is the co-author of the acclaimed book Astronomy: Sky Country and has extensive experience across various media platforms, including reporting live on national news, radio broadcasts, presenter roles and children’s television programs, where she captivates and educates audiences with her passion for astronomy and scientific inquiry.
